Medical Micro-Needling and Camouflage

Mastectomy and breast reconstruction can leave scars, either on the newly reconstructed breasts or on areas where tissue has been removed for reconstruction. TRAM or DIEP flap surgery can leave stomach scars while Latissimus Dorsi surgery can leave scars on the back. The scars may be discoloured or sometimes tight and uncomfortable. Micro-Needling can improve these scars.

Micro-needling & Camouflage
Before & After






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Micro-Needling, also known as Collagen Induction Therapy, Dry Needling, Scar Revision Therapy or Dry Tattooing is a cutting edge technique using healing serums instead of pigment to activate skin cell repair. Micro-Needling will not remove a scar completely but it can significantly improve the appearance and may be used in conjunction with scar camouflage. It works well for scars, burns and stretch marks.

Micro-Needling uses a specialized medical tattoo needle to gently pierce the skin with micro punctures causing gentle trauma to the scar tissue and allow healing serums to reach the cells. This stimulates blood to flow into the area and re healing to occur as collagen, melanin and elastin are stimulated in the scar. Fibrous knots are broken up and the scar has an opportunity to re-heal slowly and more smoothly. The process is generally not painful as scar tissue has no nerves and numbing cream can be used.

Micro-Needling can encourage the natural melanin back into a scar which allows the scar to re-pigment naturally on its own. In cases where the scar does not re-pigment on its own, camouflage tattoo techniques can help to restore the colour to that of natural skin, making the scar less obvious.

Micro-Needling can make a huge difference to a scar’s appearance, and while there is no guarantee of individual results, most clients will see an improvement after one treatment. For optimum results we typically advise a course of three treatments, spaced out at 4-6 weeks apart although some scars will require more.


  • Scar revision after breast reconstruction, augmentation or breast reduction
  • Revision or camouflage of scars around the areola after breast surgery
  • Helping white scars to re-pigment naturally
  • Blending the appearance of scars into the surrounding skin
  • Relaxing scars so the skin is less tight and more comfortable
  • Helping indented [Atrophic] scars to fill in and become smoother
  • Enabling raised scars [Hypertrophic] to flatten and become smoother
  • Preparing a scar to receive a decorative mastectomy tattoo safely

What will happen during my consultation?

We carefully analyze your scarring to see if micro-needling will benefit you. Next, we evaluate your natural colouring and may need to carry out 1 or 2 microscopic colour-match tests in your scar. These test areas develop over a month giving a realistic impression of how the scar will look long-term. This ensures that the correct colours are chosen for you and the finished result is exactly what you desire.

How long will treatment take?

Each treatment session takes about 1 hour and usually multiple sessions are required.

What will happen during my treatment?

For Micro-needling, we use an electronic device to stimulate the skin’s natural healing response. With scar camouflage we work with multiple blends of pigment to recreate the tonal variation of your skin colour. This colour is matched perfectly to your skin to look as natural as possible.

What do I do before I begin treatment?

It’s critical that your skin is not tanned at the time of the treatment. This is because the prescriptive skin-shade pigments need to be blended to match your natural skin colour. When your tan fades, you will end up with a significant variance and your treated scar will look darker than the surrounding skin.

What about after?

It’s vital to keep sun exposure to a minimum once your scar has been camouflaged.

Will it hurt?

If your scarring has sensation, we make sure numbing agents are applied. Clients describe the discomfort as little as a 2 out of 10. We will constantly check in to see how you’re feeling and to make sure you’re comfortable.

Is there downtime?

No. Typically the surrounding area will be slightly red for 72 hours, but that should be the only after-effect.

Do you provide aftercare?

Yes! Aftercare products are included with your treatment.